Štefan Poláčik (doc., RNDr., CSc.)
Vedecké, odborné a popularizačné práce
Š. Poláčik
Environmentálna dimenzia trvalo udržatelného rozvoja v plynárenstve
SLOVGAS, 2001, X (6), p: 13-14, 19-20.

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The term "sustainability" has been explicitly used for the first time in the special issue of the scientific paper The Ecologist (ed. Goldsmith, 1972) as follows: "cardinal fail in industrial life, its ethos and expansive is that is not constantly maintainable". This is also mentioned by M. Kozová and coll. (1995) and Z. Izakovicová, L. Miklós, J. Drdoš (1997). The main think tank leader of the sustainability approach was G. H. Brundtlandt (1987). Majority of the definitions were generated under her influence:

Sustainable development is evolution that satisfies needs of today's generation without ability of satisfaction reduction of next generation needs, resp.

Sustainable development is a process of change that leads it to harmonizing of natural resource use, to tend of investment, to orientation of technological development and institutional change and to increasing of potential human needs of todays and the next generation.
Principles of sustainable development are to improve quality of human life, to prefer preventive proceedings in protection of the environment, to maintain the cultural identity and rational exploitation of natural resources. Sustainable development in power engineering in Slovakia was presented in the study of J. Szöllös (1998). Other authors whose research was focused on sustainable development in Slovakia are M. Huba, V. Ira, J. Hanušin, J. Lacika, J. Szöllös (1995). This phenomenon and its genesis in gas industry has been elaborated by Š. Polácik (1998).

In the field of environment, the theory of sustainable development is well elaborated. However, practical actions are missing. This article could be considered as a challenge for the realisation of necessary practical actions in the Slovak gas industry.

The concept of sustainable development is applicable in large scale of the gas industry branches. The most obvious, however, is its use in the sector of gas distribution network building up, where interventions to landscape are unavoidable. This process is interminable and difficult; it involves large investments and decisions, which are not optimally economical. In the core of strategy of this process, there has to be evident a scientific and rational access, mainly from the landscape point of view, that mentioned J. Jakúbek, Š. Polácik (1999). Environmental policy management of the Slovak Gas Industry, joint stock company (SPP j. s.) should be connected with the existence of environmentally permanently sustainable optimized transit system, interstate and local gas network.